Ah, The Sad Club

I thought I had finished this book many years ago but just like the depression which was at its source it was not finished.

When I first started to write my life was a mess. I was still using alcohol and tobacco to self medicate and this along with the depression had contributed to my own breakdown and the breakdown of my marriage and the loss of those I loved, my family.

During the intervening years my life has changed for the better and the issues associated with my depression have also ceased to have their debilitating effects upon my life.

The visualisation practices which form part of this book are ones which I developed to help me on my journey to a better life, a life without depression and its debilitating and destructive effect.

My own particular journey was the one I chose and in hindsight it was not one which I would choose today. It was very much a “hero’s” journey which developed, as I traveled along the route of my own journey.

If this book is useful to you the reader and helps you in your own journey out of depression towards a better life in some way, then I will be happy for you.

John Rooke