AHHHH Sydney

Suntanned female beach worshippers
Brown arms like overblown knotted dough

Male beach worshippers with arms like female beach worshippers

Women in hijabs with crop tops
Rolling their buttocks along the street
To the sound of Allahu Akbar

Damp skinned bible addicts
Hugging Jesus to their chests
Praying for a pay rise
At the next review
Or the government to open the gates to the dollar heaven

Orthodox Jews in St Ives drawing mythical string round themselves
Looking just the way they did in the shtetl

Hipsters, nipsters, hippy pensioners inner city dreaming of the perfect coffee
A world where people were just like them
If only they could remember it

A bag for the dog’s turds
This must be nirvana

Downsize, diversify, divest, off spring, move to Bondi or Bodhi

Find the perfect beach where only people like you enhance their skin cancer

Make love on the Harbour Bridge at sunset

AHHHH, Sydney