
My name is Narinya and I will tell you a story.

Now I am dead I see things differently.

There is so much less but there is so much more to see now.

I laugh to myself or whatever it is I laugh to now, about how busy I was being me when I was a solid one.

Of course I do not have to breath anymore or eat or wear clothes, unless I appear to people as what they call a ghost but that is different.

There was always so much to think about when I was a living solid one, although I was never a real worrier like a lot of people I knew then.

I was just curious you see. Curious about everything.

My mother was always saying to me:ā€¯Narinya girl, where are you? Day dreaming again, I need you to help me”.

And if my father was there he would chuckle and smile at me. He knew. He was like me. Just plain curious you see.

“You see”. I say that a lot when I talk to you: the solid, living ones. Because I know now I am dead how difficult it is for most of you to really see.

Anyway, life was like that for me.

I lived a curious life about being curious about life.

My friends would tell me how bored they were but how can you be bored when you are living life?

Well. I can help both the bored and the curious by telling you a story from my life as a solid one, about something which is still unfolding in the present.