Rafael we will Fly

Smoke curls round the rebel flag

I stroke my old colonels head

resting gently against my heart

My colonel whispers

“war is twice as worse as hell”

I gently slide the soft old skin

of his eye lids down

so he does not have to stare

at the battlefield dawn

Rafael take us in your wings

and carry us away

I see myself looking down

on this death field

rotten egg stench of burnt flesh

I can see the souls rising up like leaves

caught in the draught of a fire

Rafael take me to the kitchen table

where my mother sits sewing in the evening

while my father talks of crops

or the price of everything

then finally the war

Taking the letter from his pocket

breaking the seal he starts to read

“we are sorry to inform you that”

My mothers tears are silent

Our cook runs to the slave cabins by the riverside

where she finds beautiful Beth with the growing belly

we made with love

Beautiful Beth

I feel my heart tremble

where the colonels head begins to grow cold

against me

Such love I know Rafael

such love is all there is

above this battlefield wreck of courage



and fear named war

no more than it is “twice as worse as hell”

Please take us in your wings Rafael

me and the colonel will fly away with you